Does this look authentic?

Nigiri Anguila (Eel)
Uramaki California
Was my first time ordering from this place 🙂

  1. Not authentic, but it doesn’t look bad. Did you order eel with the eel sauce?

  2. Needs some eel sauce. The California roll looks like they added an extra cream topping of some sort. Looks good to me and the cuts of eel look nice and big.

  3. Take 20-minutes and eat inside. Takeaway sushi, looking at those plastic trays, never looks good.

  4. I wouldn’t eat it, I mean it probably won’t make you sick since everything is cooked (I won’t get into the proper preparation and storage of sushi rice, that done improperly can make you sick) but they fact they didn’t sauce the eel is bizarre.

  5. Authentic for a low-end US supermarket. Rice looks preserved like something you’d get from a gas station and filling is basically puréed. Might taste ok though!

  6. You got an item from Japanese cuisine named after an American state and have to ask if it’s authentic?

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