General Discussion Thread – 01 August 2023

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what’s on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.

  1. It’s so weird yet so cool seeing traits of yourself that must have been passed to your kids via DNA.

    My oldest has been playing games, usually on my 3DS (when he masters 2.5 D games, maybe we can talk about getting the Switch he wants. ) When he fights a boss, he 100% does what I did at his age – charge in and attack mercilessly. I told him he’s like Rocky, blocking with his face. He’s getting better, he’ll actually evade and block sometimes.

    I put the little one in the bath, finish up, various creams, lotions and diaper, than pajamas. When we’re all done, she plops down, takes her pants off, just sits there in her diaper.

    “Sweetie, put your pants on.”

    “いやだ。あつい。(No. Hot )”

    *think for a few seconds*

    “I don’t have a counter-argument. As you were.”

    So, attacking a boss head on heedless of the damage you take yourself and “Too hot for pants at home”, that’s what I’ve passed on to the future.

    How about other parents, what “Yeah, that’s me” trait do you see in your kids?

  2. Walking and driving around I sometimes see older houses with about 20-30 cm of rebar sticking out of retaining walls at ground level all around the house. Looks super dangerous. Have you ever seen that around where you live? Maybe it’s just a Saitama thing, you know how we roll out here.

  3. I was looking for apartments near the job I am considering and discovered that someone commented on google maps that the workplace is a power harassment workplace…

    … The comment is easy to miss because it wasn’t placed under the actual compound’s name…

    I really want my job search to end. I really would like to find my last job in Japan. I really want this job because it would bridge my experience (that is required by many employers in other countries including my own) gap.

    But I , at best, only have a year worth of tolerance to POS.

  4. Went to Harry’s Sandwich Company in Harajuki/Omotesando for the first time on a recommendation from you miscreants. Scrumptious! The Cuban sandwich was especially good and the service was excellent/friendly. Ya’ll rock.

  5. I like music, but I actually don’t get the appeal of live concerts all that much. You get a truncated version of the song, with the artist letting the crowd sing parts of it. There are seats but most people end up standing up the whole time. I’ve been to a few concerts but I can’t say that I would even go to one on my own volition.

  6. I was directed by mods to post in the questions megathread so I assume this is it?

    My residence tax shot up from 11,000 yen to 20,000 yen from August, has anyone else’s changed? I have a feeling my pathetic pay rise took me over some line which changed everything.

    Thank you

  7. My Gold card with Credit Saison recently got a insane credit limit increase, from 1.5M to 4M. I barely spend more than 10% (of which I pay in full every time), so seeing this massive jump was a bit of a shock.

  8. These border on complaints, but I won’t be around on Thursday so forgive me this trespass.

    The translation company I do projects for, they sent me a doc that had been translated by someone else and asked me to double-check it for a very small fee. I agreed and did. But the client is asking a billion nit-pick questions and all these questions are coming to me. I hate hate hate it when a client nitpicks the translation with their whatever-grade level English grammar bullshit. If you think you know better, fucking translate it yourself. Plug it into ChatGPT and then nitpick that. I didn’t even translate the f’n document to begin with.

    On Twitter (…X? Is Elon Musk trying to intentionally torpedo the platform? What’s next, Evanscence auto-plays upon opening the app?), some Japanese woman posted something to the effect of “I don’t like the increase in foreign tourists. Japanese people are space-aware and know not to get in people’s way, but tourists don’t have the same awareness.” Hooooooooooly shit, I have never had to virtually bite my tongue so hard.

  9. August is quite a dark period for me.
    I’m a PhD student with only two friends outside of uni, and they are a couple. Meaning that I don’t get to see them often since they do couply things together without me, which is understandable.

    In Aug 2021 I was having issues in uni and was feeling lonely. Id go outside and I see many people with friends and family, especially around the Obon period. I had basically no one and I felt like redacting my application to a PhD and leaving Japan. I ended up toughening it out and staying.

    Aug 2022 I managed to visit home, so it wasnt that bad.

    Now in June and July 2023 I’ve realised again that I have very few friends. I managed to make one friend but he’ll be in Tokyo for an internship this Aug followed by a three-month study abroad in France.

    Aug has started and the terrible loneliness and isolation has come back again. This Aug and Sept will be a busy period for me at uni and I hope the loneliness doesn’t affect me much. I have presentations and job applications and experiments to do.

    I speak conversational Japanese quite well, for what it is worth.

  10. I am still not used to the environment at my work place(day care centre), after being here for three months, plus working with japanese people… its tiring to say sorry sorry sorry all the time and hearing it all the time… it takes away my energy somehow..and my japanese co workers usually wait for each other to eat lunch together (lunch is served for free) but i usually have mine first.. obviously my way of thinking and doing things are so different from them..

    sigh. but i definitely want to stay here as theres really less things for me to do…

  11. Kind of a silly question, but if I drop off a bunch of shirts at the dry cleaners do they expect them to be on hangers or does it not matter? I found a cleaner pretty close so it’s not hard for me to carry my clothes either way, I just want the least hassle.

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