Late Sept 2023: Tokyo 5 day Itinerary Check

Hi everyone! We’d love to know if our itinerary so far is doable and not overpacked? We’re an eating and shopping couple so that’s mostly what we’re doing :’)

We’ll not experience jet lag as we live in a country nearby, and our flights are outside of the 5 days. We’re staying in Ueno.

**Day 0:** Arrival day (our ETA is at night)

**Day 1:**

AM to noon: Asakusa street food, Kura Sushi, Don Quijote
Afternoon to PM: Ueno park, thrifting in Ueno, Ameyoko shopping

**Day 2:**

AM to noon: Snoopy Museum & Snoopy Cafe
Afternoon: Travel to Shibuya, Shibuya sky, Shibuya and Harajuku shopping
PM: Dinner (any recommendations?)

**Day 3** \- we want this day to be chill since we’re going to Disneysea the day after

AM: Kichijoji – Capyneko cafe, Petit mura
PM: Shinjuku area, Tsujihan dinner

**Day 4:**
Whole day: Disneysea

**Day 5:**
AM – Atelier Matcha in Nihonbashi, Tokyo Station (Calbee+, Ramen Street, Tokyo Character Street)
PM: Ginza shopping & Akihabara arcade

**Day 6:** Departure in the morning

Would appreciate any suggestions and recommendations as well. Thanks in advance!

  1. There are so many great meals to be had in Tokyo that I wouldn’t be overly focused on hitting specific places all the time. Some of my best meals were had at nondescript places I just wandered into.

    Be sure to visit the basement of department stores to find foody heaven.

  2. Calbee + is fantastic! I will say Ginza is quite big and you can easily spend ages browsing the shops so plan the shops you want to see.

  3. You could actually probably put a few of those locations into one day and I agree to not focus on where to eat since there are so many good spots its kinda more fun to just explore and find some options. Maybe have a theme for type of food you’d like to get and go with that. I would make reservations though if it’s a spot you found on Instagram, tiktok, etc. since those places usually book fast and the Japanese live there long lines and reservations.

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