With his work so far in this years G1, and the announcement of the RevPro tag (out front with Finlay v Shibata and ELP), is it just inevitable that Gabe Kidd will lead the War Dogs?

On the latest We Work Stiff, the lads review the past week of the G1 and discuss the key role and awesome performance of Gabe Kidd.

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  1. For sure. Whether it happens tomorrow or a year from now it’s definitely coming

  2. He should. I barely knew who he was before the G1, but he has been one of the best things about this tournament.

  3. I buy him more than finlay. There is an interesting discussion into why. Firstly gabe looks more convincing as the character. Looks do matter because it’s visual story telling. Okada wrestles the way he does because he’s tall. Zsj and ospreay have actually changed their matches as ospreay has gotten bigger to match the visual of the wrestlers.

    As someone who did support finlay from the g1 last year through the heel turn until very recently I just don’t buy what he’s selling visually. He shouldn’t be doing long tedious beatdowns on tama Tonga. He’s not Brock lesnar

    Secondly it’s very hard to escape the stink of the bottom of the card once a wrestlers been there long enough. Obviously guys like ishii and yoshi hashi gained cult followings through their matches and steadily gone up the card. Njpw have finlay in the upper midcard but narratively they are essentially saying remember that dweeb who lost a lot ? Well he’s a tough killer now..not because he’s bigger but because he dyed his hair. He more or less is the same but has black hair.

    Where as a sort of scrappy no nonsense brawler I didn’t mind him and thought he might have pulled himself up the card organically. Not that wrestling promotions shouldn’t push guys before they are ready but it pushes credibility a bit imo

    Gabe doesn’t have those negatives

  4. This sub just all of a sudden loves them some Gave Kidd.

    I don’t get it personally. He’s a really good wrestler when he actually wrestles but he doesn’t really do that anymore.

  5. Oh yeah, he’s my G1 MVP. He instantly draws attention when he’s on screen, he gets every crowd against him in 2 minutes and his offense legitimately makes him seem like he’s trying to kill his opponent. Finlay is fine, but not a leader in my eyes and could you imagine a Kidd led club with Coughlin as the right hand man? Sign me up.

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