Moving from Nagoya to Tokyo

Hello everyone! I’m thinking of moving from Nagoya to Tokyo around mid February-mid March 2024. I have a couch and a couple of bookshelves and was planning on packing everything myself. For anyone that has done something similar to this, how much did it cost you? Any moving company you would recommend? And lastly with how much time in advance should I book the service?

  1. I recently moved to Chiba from Tochigi (much closer than your case), but for a two person household any automatic estimates I could get were much too expensive for my taste.

    I ended up renting a Hiace for a weekend and moved our stuff (together with my wife) over two days. Absolutely exhausting but a fraction of the cost of a moving company.

  2. You can book multiple moving companies for quotation and ask them to come at the same time slot. They’ll get into a bid war to get your business and you can get a bargain. Or you can schedule them separately and negotiate for a cheaper price. March is a bit too close to the peak with shinseikatsu/moving season starting closer to April. So prices will be incredibly high. Earlier the cheaper.

  3. Somebody already mentioned Akabou, they do have services for small moving, like everhting which fits in a 1k room. Yamato also do have such a service and I think other companies, too.

    Besides that, I moved from Kyushu to Kansai a while ago and I used the Japan Post to send the most shelf contents and Yamato for bigger furniture, in my case we mostly bought new furniture and only had a large table to move via Yamato. And the rest we took with our car. Even if you do not have a lisence send everything via post and get a Shinkansen might be the most convenient method.
    As you said you will pack everything yourself, just buy some large boxes, which fits for sending ゆうパック (yuupakku) with max dimensions as stated in their website and call them to pick it up. If you can fit it in smaller boxed it can be quite cheap. But I the last few years its getting more expansive so you should calculate all packages and see if it fits you.
    They even keep it for a week or max 10 days, sorry I forgot the time they keep it and you can schedule the delivery nicely. Same for bigger furniture with Yamato. If send to the same address they still should have a discount after a few boxes, but I am not sure if they still offer it or from how many boxes it started.

  4. Just moved from Nagoya back to Tokyo for under 50,000 (1 person without appliances, mattress, table, desktop) with [Jinriki]( (First used them for Tokyo->Nagoya for around 60,000), so you should get the same price too (bargain with them for discounts).

    Just bear in mind, the moving service takes 1 day because of the distance (so the stuff only gets delivered next day, so you might need to stay in a hotel) and didn’t let me ride along with them.

    Also you might want to try using aggregate services like [Hikkoshi Samurai](

  5. I used Art when moving from Hikone (Shiga), to Yakeyama (Kure) for ¥60,000. They moved a big chest of drawers 120 cms x 90 cms x 30 cms

    I had a giant gaming chair. 6 130 boxes. And plenty of room to spare. So it might be worth it if you don’t have a lot.

    I literally did it a week before I had to go because my new employers were looking for a new apartment still (don’t recommend doing that.) plus moving season is I think March-May so outside of that it’s a bit cheaper

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