Abortion/D&C Question

I just found out I had a missed miscarriage at 9 week, and the doctor advised I should have an abortion/d&c in order to clear out the tissue. I haven’t started bleeding, and my body still thinks I’m pregnant, so this is sorta the only way to go about everything.

That being said, while discussing the procedure, they said they would put a laminaria in my cervix for about 2 hours to let it expand, but said there would be no numbing for that. It seems like it would be extremely painful, and I know doctors here are not keen to go to pain killers, esp for women’s health. To anyone who has had this procedure done, how painful was that and how was recovery? I’ve never had any kind of surgery before and I really don’t know what to expect.

  1. Have you ever had X-rays taken at the dentist? That film they stick in your mouth—the luminara felt like that, except in my cervix. It was more awkward/uncomfortable than painful.

  2. I’m sorry for what you’re going trough. The laminaria procedure I think I underwent too (doctor was talking about some small sort of stick) for inducing birth and it wasn’t painful at all. Unfortunately because in my case it did not work enough the next day the doctor had to forcefully try to open my cervix with a finger poking aggressively in and I screamed of pain, I would definitely ask for pain killers if this is part of a procedure. I hope everything goes smooth for you and wish you well.

  3. Unfortunately have had this procedure at 18 weeks after my waters broke and my baby had no chance of life. This was a few years ago.

    Inserting the sticks (there are 9 or 10) was incredibly painful. After they were in it ached like a period. After they took them out I went into labour and gave birth which was painful, obviously. Recovery was very fast.

    This year at 9 weeks unfortunately suffered a loss. I didn’t want this procedure done again so they sent me home to see if I would miscarry again. If I didn’t then theu would do the procedure again. I begged them for medicine, but we all we know the situation with that in Japan. Luckily I was able to pass everything naturally at home and didn’t need the procedure.

    Obviously the pain of putting them in is not long, maybe 5mins so if you don’t want to prolong the process then it’s probably a good option.

  4. I had a d&c a few months ago at a university hospital, and they halfheartedly offered what I think was one ibuprofen, which I aggressively took (conversation went: “You can have this if you need it, but you’re fine right?” “Absolutely not give me whatever you have!”).They ended up dilating me twice because I think they didn’t get up to the size they needed the first time. The first time was before the ibuprofen had taken effect, and it was painful. For me this was fast breathing and grit your teeth but not screaming pain. The second time about 30 minutes later the ibuprofen had taken effect and I could still feel pressure and discomfort but it wasn’t painful. I’d be very aggressive about asking if you can take ibuprofen as soon as possible, because it makes a big difference.
    Good luck, and best wishes for your procedure and recovery.

  5. Sorry that you’re going through this.
    I had a missed miscarriage around 9 weeks as well and scheduled a D&C for when I was about 12 weeks but ended up passing most of it at home before my procedure. I still ended up getting the D&C as planned but in hindsight should probably have just skipped it.
    I don’t remember feeling any pain and was sedated for the entire procedure so if your clinic doesn’t offer pain management maybe you could check other clinics that would. I am so sorry.

  6. I’ve had it done twice and in my experience it depends on the skill of your doctor… the first time it was uncomfortable, but painless. The second time was… well. I don’t want to scare you but I think you should be able to ask for painkillers if you have an IV.

  7. Oof, sorry you’re going through this 🙁

    My D&C was the same; to clear out a miscarriage that my body wouldn’t expel. Mine was under sedation (not in Japan), and I could not imagine having to be awake for that. I would seriously look around for a clinic that offers a little more comfort during the procedure.

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