Best friend week long trip

So each year me and two of my best friends go on a trip. It’s typically a week long to give us a break from work and allow us to have fun and catch up. Each year one of us picks a location to visit and we go there. Next year we would love to do Tokyo. One of my friends is obsessed and it would be awesome to let him go to a place he’s always wanted to visit. That being said I usually organize the trips we take. We usually take these trips around August -September. My issue is I feel pretty overwhelmed trying to plan this trip. It would be our first trip to country that doesn’t primarily speak English. So does anyone have any starter info that would help get me going in the right direction? I’m getting vastly different amounts on how much it would cost to stay there. I know this can vary based on how much each person spends… I’m just trying to get a baseline for what a hotel/minimum daily spending would be so we can know what we would need as a minimum. Also my friend seems to think walking around Tokyo without knowing Japanese is acceptable? Is that true? Again sorry the post is a little general but it’s for next year and I’m just trying to get an early head start on planning. Thanks in advance!

  1. Hotels are cheap and really nice try not to pay over $70/night find what’s called a business hotel, food can be cheap (conbini) or super high end (you’ll know by how nice it looks) depending on your taste. Don’t worry about not knowing the language just learn to say “Kore Kudasai” Core-A Coo-du-sigh, it means “this please”, use it while pointing at what you want. But you’ll be fine with essentially zero Japanese. The google translate app will translate pictures so you can use it for Japanese only menus and signs. My advice is get bikes, you can ride on most sidewalks and it helps to widen your exploration. Don’t be afraid it’s one of safest cities in world by far.

  2. I’ve heard it’s super hot/humid in August and September, so would also recommend aiming more for end of September or later if you can!

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