Eddie Kingston finally got to meet his hero Toshiaki Kawada!

Eddie Kingston finally got to meet his hero Toshiaki Kawada!


  1. I legit wanna cry for him. He’s loves the Japanese strong style/kings road pro wrestling and he met a pioneer. He wanted to cry

  2. It’s so good to see a genuine smile from Eddie. It is the most special day of his life!

  3. This is really awesome. What a thrill it must be for Eddie, and what a crazy great upswing his career has taken.

  4. Kawada asking how Eddie knows about his work is very wholesome. Reminds me of the story of how Kobashi didn’t expect anyone in the US to know him when he went over to tour with ROH.

  5. glad it was a private showing so that nationalist fan who hangs around Kawada’s shop wasnt there

  6. There are like 6 Eddie Kingston emotions we aren’t used to seeing going on at once here

  7. Just came here to post this! So cool, I love his childlike glee so much. I hope they put up an English translation– maybe if enough people ask 🙂

  8. This reminds me of when I was 11 or 12 and got to be up close to the Ultimate Warrior when he was doing a signing. It was one of the coolest things ever in my short life at the time. I have really grown to like Eddie Kingston so this is so cool to see how excited he is to meet someone who is so influential in his life.

  9. I just realized that I may have traded tapes with Eddie back in the day. We’re around the same age and I was into the same AJPW strong style that he was, along with Michinoku Pro, and the Super J Cup stuff.

    Sometimes I wonder if him and Tony Khan were on the same IRC channels that I was for wrestling back in the mid to late 90s lol

  10. It’s funny to see these guys who’ve been at it for years all of a sudden become us, the marks, when faced with their hero. We’re all fans, no matter how old we are and the guys and girls that made us believe, made us FEEL it… there’s only one word for them.


    Whether it’s Kawada or Misawa, Santo, or Flair and Hogan, they all built the thing we love, and we will always love them, respect them, and stand in awe of them when face to face. I did when I met The Hitman. And i know damm well that in his moment with Kawada, The Mad King and I were the same, felt the same.

    Awestruck and humbled to be standing in the presence of our hero.

  11. It’s funny to see these guys who’ve been at it for years all of a sudden become us, the marks, when faced with their hero. We’re all fans, no matter how old we are and the guys and girls that made us believe, made us FEEL it… there’s only one word for them.


    Whether it’s Kawada or Misawa, Santo, or Flair and Hogan, they all built the thing we love, and we will always love them, respect them, and stand in awe of them when face to face. I did when I met The Hitman. And i know damm well that in his moment with Kawada, The Mad King and I were the same, felt the same.

    Awestruck and humbled to be standing in the presence of our hero.

  12. Why does Eddie always look like he’s trying to be in drag with those eyebrows? I mean really, what kind of “tough” and “straight” grown man consistently gets their eyebrows done like that?

  13. The joy on his face is so incredible and real glad he is doing well and got to meet a hero of his.

  14. I love 90’s AJPW and IMO Holy Demon Army is the best tag team in AJPW history.

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