Opinions on studytrip.com? Recommendations?

Hi! Does anyone have any experience with [studytrip.com](https://studytrip.com)? I read some posts about gogonihon, as I saw that they offer these trips as their “short form” of the study programs they offer, but didn’t find anything specific about the site. Also, if you have any other recommendations on short (90 days max) study/cultural trips to Japan like that, please bring them on.

Thanks in advance 🙂

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    **Opinions on studytrip.com? Recommendations?**

    Hi! Does anyone have any experience with [studytrip.com](https://studytrip.com)? I read some posts about gogonihon, as I saw that they offer these trips as their “short form” of the study programs they offer, but didn’t find anything specific about the site. Also, if you have any other recommendations on short (90 days max) study/cultural trips to Japan like that, please bring them on.

    Thanks in advance 🙂

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