Aircon company quality

I’m looking for an aircon to supplement the one I have, but as this is the first time I’m buying an aircon I’d like your perception of build quality/electricity cost/warranty repair/etc. – usually I used sites like consumer reports for that but it seems that’s not a thing in Japan. I’d prefer a simpler model but I’d like a dehumidifier function, something like 18 mat in size (in case you have a specific recommendation)

  1. To supplement? Not in the same room right?

    Most electronics stores have plenty of options. They will also install it, though being August you will probably have to wait.

    You can always buy the aircon and then look up someone on Kurashi no market to install it. Just read their reviews.
    Amazon, Rakuten and Yahoo Auctions also sell a lot of aircons. But they don’t install it.

  2. At my previous place I had a 5 year old unit from Daikin, installed in the main room. Yodobashi had a great deal on Panasonic air conditioners, so I bought a basic model for my bedroom.

    After almost a year, the Panasonic unit started to display errors on the remote. I’ve got it repaired under warranty, but I was dissapointed. It was supposed to work flawlessly for several years, before any kind of repair.

    The Daikin unit worked properly without any repairs. Look for Daikin deals on Kakaku.

  3. There are for sure comprehensive aircon reviews online in Japanese for aircon.

    Mitsubishi and daikin are pretty well regarded for being the last ones still made in Japan (at least true 3 years ago).

    We have 2 Mitsubishi units and one Toshiba which is used 3 times a year. Never miss a beat and seem to be more efficient than the last hitachi units we had.

  4. I’ve had Daikin and Panasonic and I feel that Daikin has great models for all tiers. Panasonic low tier one has been mediocre.

    I had 2 Daikins and 2 Panasonic’s.
    1 low and high tier Daikin and a low and mid tier Panasonic.

  5. Whichever brand you decide on, make sure to purchase the extended warranty. My Panasonic is dying now after 6 years, and now I regretted that I chose to pay for 5-year, instead of 10-year extended warranty.

  6. There are only two brands of aircon you should buy:

    1. [Daikin](

    2. [Mitsubishi Electric]( (三菱電機), not to be confused with [Mitsubishi Heavy]( who also make aircons. They do properly differentiate now with both companies putting their full names on aircons, making it pretty easy to tell which is which.

    Daikin has the best service network and the best parts availability. They are my preference due to some past excellent service experiences with older Daikin aircons.

    From a reliability standpoint they are roughly equal, I have owned many of both.

    Avoid aircons from any other brand, even if they are cheaper or have fancy sounding features. is your friend as far as finding the best price goes. Find somewhere with last year’s model at a steep discount, you can save a LOT. You can find installers for your area on ジモティー, be sure to check their reviews and reputation, and make sure they state they are properly licensed.

  7. Another vote for Daikin here.

    Having renewed most of ours recently, when researching I came across a video by an independent installer who recommended sticking to the simpler models, as the fancy functions on the higher end models mostly make them more complex/expensive to repair and maintain, and consume additional power (which apparently isn’t reflected in the published power consumption statistics).

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