Female detainee dies after being found unconscious in cell in Nagano

Female detainee dies after being found unconscious in cell in Nagano


  1. Another classic example of how shit cops are in Japan.

    More than a month of detention resulting in an unnecessary death.

  2. « We will analyze the self report we asked to the station to see if enough teeth sucking was done before calling the hospital »

  3. “We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong”

    “It’s her fault for maybe having 0.019 grams of weed.”

  4. One of the most frustrating things about Japan’s obsession with ‘maintaining the peace’ is that they will literally allow the people in charge to kill, abuse, belittle, and overwork them and not say a fucking word. There’s never a push to improve things, never any outrage, so it happens over and over again.

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