Weird Yahoo Auctions bidder

I’m selling mugs in Yahoo Auctions, the shipping method I chose is anonymous (Yu-Pack 60). I just sold 5 at the same time, all by different usernames, and they all wrote the same canned message (I replaced some stuff with x’s):



《郵便番号》 191-0065
《住所》 日野市旭が丘3-1-1 MFLP日野 2階南B xxxx-xxxx
《宛名》 日野バイイー
《電話番号》 03-xxxx-3045
《オークションID》 xxxx
《決済方法》 ヤフーかんたん決済
《振込金額》 3260円(税込)




Google translate (might be wrong):

We become indebted to.
I am Buyee (ndewo_1225).
We will contact you once your payment has been completed.

When shipping the product, please contact us from the trading navigation system.
In that case, please let us know your baggage inquiry number.
If you do not have an inquiry number, please only contact us for shipping.

■Shipping address information
《Postal code》 191-0065
《Address》 3-1-1 Asahigaoka, Hino City MFLP Hino 2F South B xxxx-xxxx
《Addressee》 Hino Buyee
<Phone number> 03-xxxx-3045
■ Payment information
<< auction ID >> xxxx
<< settlement method >> Yahoo simple settlement
《Transfer amount》 3260 yen (tax included)

We will let you know if the product has arrived or not by contacting us.
Please note that it may take 2-3 business days from the completion of delivery to the receipt contact.

Since I selected anonymous Yu-Pack delivery, to ship it I’m supposed to take the box to the post office, scan the QR code that Yahoo gives me, and that’s it, I never get to see the buyer’s address.
Yahoo shows me that the buyer’s address is in Osaka, but this shipping address looks like a huge warehouse or shared office in Tokyo called [Mitsui Fudosan Logistics Park](

[All]( [of]( [the]( [accounts]( [used]( for bidding have thousands of good reviews, with more than 99% score, buying around 300 items per week. It looks like this is a massive operation (which explains the canned messages), but I have no idea how something like this works.

Of course, the feedback of other sellers are useless, since Yahoo Auctions has a template feedback message that everyone uses.

I don’t know what to do with this. On one hand, I want to sell these mugs (and they sold for a good price), but this looks sketchy.

If I ship to the address he wrote in the message, he could later claim to Yahoo that he never received anything to his delivery address, and the tracking system would agree with that.

I think have 3 options:

1. I tell him “Sorry, but I can’t ship anywhere other then the address contained in the transaction, which is anonymous. Please try to fix the address first and then I will ship it. See the FAQ for support:”
But according to the FAQ, he has to contact Yahoo Auctions to intervene, which is unrealistic and he will just cancel the bids.
2. I just ship it manually to the address he wrote, and risk a claim later that I never shipped anything.
3. I cancel all the winning bids (ouch!)

What the hell is going on here?

Any suggestions?

  1. Buyee is a reputable company that buys stuff for people who live overseas. Really easy to work with. The message sent is automatically created by them. They have the anonymous shipping data entered in the account.

    I would send it as you normally do and not worry.

  2. Same although not on yahoo auctions. I’ve sold to buyee accounts on Mercari and it’s just like a regular transaction.

  3. Buyee is a huge company, a subsidiary of They’re the largest reshipper and buying intermediary for non-residents who wish to buy things from Japan.

    They can’t use the anonymous address system because they have 1000s of customers who bid/buy on Yahoo through a few (few dozen?) Buyee accounts, but each Buyee customer has to have a unique delivery address.

    The number in the address that you converted to “xxxx-xxxx” is the unique part of the address that identifies the exact Buyee customer who bought your item. It could be that the same person bought a bunch of your items, or they could be for separate people.

    If Buyee used the anonymous shipping system, the delivery address is not visible on the package — because it’s anonymous. That also means however that the “xxxx-xxxx” that Buyee needs to see to identify their customer would not be included.

    You can reach out to them and ask if you can use the anonymous system but say that you will hand-write the “xxxx-xxxx” number on the package for them. They might be fine with that.

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