Does Apple Pay work on buses

So I don’t have a physical Suica card, but I have the Apple wallet version. Was wondering if buses specifically take Apple Pay.

  1. If your asking if buses accept virtual Suica cards in the Apple wallet, the answer is yes. If your asking if buses accept Apple Pay, that’s a different question. Which are you asking?

  2. As everyone has said, Apple Pay itself doesn’t work, but virtual Suica does wherever there is usually a Suica sticker (though some rural places might be haphazard in support, Kanto Railway only accepted virtual Suica via phones and wallets over the last year).

    Then again, buses around Japan are run but different companies and have different policies. Within Tokyo there is even a few different companies. So you’ll have to check ahead of time.

    You can top up your Suica via Apple Pay no issues though.

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