Renting my apartment question

Hello! I have a really nice apartment in Shibuya-ku that I want to rent out. I have to be in America for the next few years for medical school so I’d like to get some income for the apartment as either yearly or monthly rentals. I was wondering what type of rental term would be most profitable, like if I should do it with foreigners or locals? Is there a good subreddit to post to or is it ok to post it here? I have a Tokyo realtor I work with who speaks both English and Japanese who would handle the logistics once I figure out exactly what I should be looking to do with it.

  1. Basically, this is a question for your realtor. It is their profession to advise you on how to market your property. Also, they will have the details you are not providing such the size, age and construction of the property, as well as info on nearby apartments for rent, so they will have more accurate insights based on evidence, rather than anecdotes from the friend of a dude who made a killing with an illegal minpaku, or something like that.

    If you want a second opinion that is normal, but as with medical advice, you want to seek out another doctor (realtor), not look online at anonymous posts.

    But here is one thing you should consider: how to be an ethical landlord. Whether or not you strategize to target foreign residents or not, you should seriously consider not working with agents who represent those landlords who refuse to rent to foreigners. Ask you agent if any of the other landlords their company represents forbid foreign applicants. The larger companies with English speaking staff can be surprisingly unethical in who they represent.

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