BOE asking me to pay large sum for return flight?

I am a JET finishing their contract this year.

I submitted the JET Return Travel Itinerary to my CO on May 28th. The price from HND to my embassy location (USA) was listed as ¥198,210. I was instructed that the BOE would send the money, and then I will buy the ticket with that money.

However, it took a month to send me the fare I sent on the return form on May 28th, and the ticket price raised from ¥198,210 to ¥345,700 (about $1k price increase) in this delay. I asked about this price increase, and I was told I must pay the difference.

In section 7.2 of the English 2023 handbook- “Participants who entered the Programme from within Japan and fulfil the conditions above will be provided a flight to the international airport located closest to the embassy or consulate that they interviewed from.”.

From what I understand, the JET participant is not supposed to pay $1k out of pocket after completing all the contract requirements. I have always been told the BOE pays for your flight home, and the contract clearly reflects this.

My CO has asked me to contact CLAIR to help. Can any of yall help give me some insight on how I should handle this situation?

  1. Some JET’s book their own return flight and then provide the BOE the invoice for reimbursement, it’s technically still a free flight home. In your case you should let them know you can find flights half that amount – and help them save money. This might work out for you if you want to do some sightseeing after your finish your time on JET.

  2. You get all the money reimbursed so it shouldn’t be a problem.

    I have a travel rewards credit card so the more expensive the better! I’m getting a ton of points by purchasing a flight that I would never have purchased if I was not getting it refunded.

  3. Flight fares are obnoxious these days! They change hour by hour and route you thru Iceland and back. Good luck, hope it all works out.

  4. Curious, what’s the limit on the cost of the return flight? I assume you can’t just book any seat. Economy is the only one you can book right?

  5. Contacting CLAIR is absolutely the best move. Not your fault they were so damn slow. They’re able to pay it just don’t give in. Flight prices are high for everyone and people are still getting sent home for free.

  6. Contact your PA, failing that CLAIR. Having the official instructions in writing is likely to get the ball moving.

    Have you looked into other flights? E.g. leaving from Narita or different days? Because that does seem very expensive. Even if there’s no better options available, at least you can say you’ve looked.

  7. Definitely contact PA. Also read your contract thoroughly. They do have to provide your flight but it might be nuanced.

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