Need help understanding this traffic light situation.

Lived in Japan over 20 years and still never figured it out. When there’s an intersection where you can go straight, left or right. Traffic light has 3 green arrows on for those directions along with a red stop light. Never came across this in the license tests. Could anyone shed some light on this situation please?

  1. It means the opposite side has a red light, but all the traffic going forward, left, and right can proceed. Which to you as a driver means you can safely turn left/right without worrying about cars from incoming lanes getting in the way.

  2. A green light grants the ability to turn, but the green arrows indicate that you have right of way when turning. But if any direction has an arrow, all directions allowed require an arrow, hence the arrow forward as well.

  3. Interesting 🤔 do you have pictures? I recently got my license so don’t wanna miss this

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