How to stop eating ramen?

I swear to god, ramen is like crack to me. Every time I slurp down a hot bowl of ramen my eyes roll back and my whole body shudders in ecstasy. I just can’t stop eating ramen… like I actually need help. Thanks for reading

  1. Hah I was like this with katsudon. This one place had a really good katsudon that I went there 5 days straight at one point. The waitress even said “today too!?” on my third day.

    Then I started trying out a bunch of katsudon at different places. I couldn’t stop. I was eating katsudon once or twice almost everyday. Spent so much money.

    Then my craving suddenly stopped after like two months. Now I eat katsudon like once every six months or so.

    So tldr. Just enjoy it. You’ll get tired of it eventually.

  2. keep a snack on your pocket wherever you go. when know you’ll cross a ramen spot, eat it. you won’t feel like eating and thus won’t spend money

  3. Life is short – eat all the ramen you want!

    Got any great ramen recommendations – preferably in Tokyo?

  4. NGL, I really want to see the reactions of the Taisho and other diners while OP fills the front of his shorts silently having a violent orgasm in the middle of a ramen shop. Or does he only go to Ichiran, for the privacy?

  5. Go find the grossest/lowest rated ramen place you can find and pray for food poisoning?

    Nothing will turn you off from a certain type of food for a while like a bad case of food poisoning.

  6. Very easy, move to a place with shit ramen, and start to care about your health (ever wonder why all the places have a layer of grease on everything, think about that in your body). I’ve been off the stuff for 5 years now.

  7. Try the 12 step process.

    1. **Admission**: Admit that you have become powerless over Ramen and that your eating habits have become unmanageable.

    2. **Belief**: Believe that a power greater than yourself can restore you to a balanced diet without the excessive consumption of Ramen.

    3. **Decision**: Make a decision to turn your will and eating habits over to that higher power to reduce your reliance on Ramen.

    4. **Self-inventory**: Make a searching and fearless inventory of why and how often you eat Ramen, assessing any underlying reasons.

    5. **Admit wrongs**: Admit to yourself, and another human being, the exact nature of your Ramen consumption and its negative impacts.

    6. **Readiness**: Be entirely ready to have your higher power help you remove the cravings and habits tied to Ramen.

    7. **Seeking help**: Humbly ask your higher power to remove your excessive desire for Ramen.

    8. **List harms**: Make a list of all persons you have harmed or inconvenienced due to your excessive Ramen consumption and become willing to make amends to them all.

    9. **Make amends**: Directly make amends to such people wherever possible, talking about the impacts of your Ramen consumption, unless doing so would injure them or others.

    10. **Continued self-inventory**: Continue to take personal inventory and when you feel the urge for Ramen, promptly admit it and analyze the root cause.

    11. **Meditation and prayer**: Through meditation and prayer, seek to improve your conscious connection to a life without Ramen, asking for the strength to resist the craving.

    12. **Helping others**: Having had a transformation through these steps, carry this message to others who might be over-relying on Ramen, and practice these principles in all your food choices.

  8. unrelated but: do you have any good ramen recommendations ?
    I am not a big fan but maybe the reason is that I have never eaten a good ramen haha

  9. Sticking your tongue out while crossing your eyes after experiencing something you’re addicted to, can train your brain to shift away from addiction.

  10. Honestly, if you just look up the salt content in there and how much salt you need in the human body, you’ll kinda soon realize how much you should be eating versus how much you are eating.

    To be honest though, if you are eating it in moderation, versus like 2-3 times a day, you should be fine.

  11. Look up the calories, sodium content, carb content, etc and then look up the recommended daily allowance of those things. Imagine all that oil in your stomach and clogging your arteries. (I say this as a person who regularly drinks alcohol, though…)

  12. Ramen is actually a good post workout meal. I remember after a half marathon , I ate a huge bowl of ramen. I honestly could have eaten another. It had the right amount of protein, salt and carbs to partially satiate me.

  13. What are we talking about? Every meal or once a week? If it’s the latter then stop worrying so much! Ramen might be bad for your health, but it’s not life ruining, crack level bad. If we are talking about stuff like ramen it is totally fine to eat what makes you happy. Enjoying yourself is important as well!

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