libraries in Kyoto where I can lend simple books?

so I’ve been in Kyoto for a while and I would like to improve my Japanese reading, but not spend too much money on buying books. where I’m from there’s lots of libraries where you can get your membership card and then just borrow books for a few weeks and all. does Kyoto have something like that? I know we have libraries here, but I couldn’t find any good ones after quite some research. and I couldn’t find out if you can open a membership account and if they have any good books for beginners at all those university libraries.. anyone knows anything? or how I can find out?

  1. I guess none of your research involved actually going to a library??

    Take ID and proof of residence, workplace, or school in the relevant municipality and go there to make a library card. There will be plenty of options for easier reading – from kids books to magazines and books with furigana, etc

  2. 1. Go to the public library with proof of address.
    2. Get a card.
    3. Borrow some books.

    (In my part of Tokyo I can borrow as many as 15 books or non-current magazines for a minimum of two weeks.)

  3. I’m sorry, I’m a little confused. What exactly is your question?

    You say you “couldn’t find any good ones” but don’t mention what your rubric is for determining what’s a “good one”. So we’re not left with much to go on to help you.
    But Kyoto has plenty of libraries:[Here’s a TripAdvisor page on them.](

    Yes, you can open a membership (this is, near as I can tell, how every library in the world works). I don’t know for how long in particular you can check the books out, but I’m sure they’ll tell you.

    If you’re looking for beginner-to-Japanese-friendly books, you probably just need to go to the kids’ section. Any public library will have one of those.

    As far as how to find out if the library suits your needs (which—again, you DO NOT tell us in your post), why not, um, GO and see for yourself?

    I gotta say as an aside, I’m all for supporting public libraries but books are exceedingly cheap in Japan so even if you don’t find a library that suits your needs you don’t have to spend a “ton of money” to read more. Just go to literally any BookOff and you’ll find a plethora of books for 100 yen each.

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