Resources for children with autism

My husband and I are looking to leave the United States. We have started working on our TEFLs and our trying to do research on which countries would be best for our situation.

We have a 3 year old nonverbal (currently working on using an AAC device) daughter who is diagnosed level 3 autistic. She has high support needs and requires multiple therapies a week. Speech, Occupational and Physical.

I haven’t been able to find much on the resources japan offers or how society as a whole treats children of her caliber so I was hoping someone here would have personal experiences they could share.

  1. As someone on the “spectrum” my experience/observations are most countries outside US/Canada lack the infrastructure you’re used to in the US.

    I have some Japanese friends and will enquire with them. The circumstances you’re dealing with are a bit different though.

    Here is a relevant Quora link:

    YouTube Vid:

    Other relevant links:

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