Language school in Japan while finishing my bachelors long distance

So I’m thinking of moving to Japan next year April 2024. I am 26 and just finishing my first year of university in the UK. My university is UK based but I am able to study long distance even if I don’t reside in the UK anymore so I can basically study from anywhere and finish the rest of my bachelors degree (2 years left). I want to continue my education in Japan and have looked at master courses there that I would like to study after my bachelors. I was thinking of going to a language school in April 2024 for two years so I can learn the language (atm I could say I’m N5 level) while I finish my degree. I have spoken to an agent from GaijinPot and they’ve told me that it’s possible but I wanted to get a second opinion and also advise if you guys think that would be possible?
I know it’s probably going to be hard doing both but I am pretty capable with studying and I know kinda my schedule with uni now so I think I can manage both.
So what I’m asking is basically, is this a bad idea?
I really don’t want to waste anymore time with continuing my education since I had a late start with uni (I was working before).
People that have gone to language schools for the 2 year courses, was the schedules really hard to keep up with?
I haven’t chosen a school yet although I have a couple that I liked from the list on GaijinPot but I know some schools are more intense than others so any recommendations and experiences would be helpful.
Also I am looking in Tokyo since I have friends there.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Language school in Japan while finishing my bachelors long distance**

    So I’m thinking of moving to Japan next year April 2024. I am 26 and just finishing my first year of university in the UK. My university is UK based but I am able to study long distance even if I don’t reside in the UK anymore so I can basically study from anywhere and finish the rest of my bachelors degree (2 years left). I want to continue my education in Japan and have looked at master courses there that I would like to study after my bachelors. I was thinking of going to a language school in April 2024 for two years so I can learn the language (atm I could say I’m N5 level) while I finish my degree. I have spoken to an agent from GaijinPot and they’ve told me that it’s possible but I wanted to get a second opinion and also advise if you guys think that would be possible?
    I know it’s probably going to be hard doing both but I am pretty capable with studying and I know kinda my schedule with uni now so I think I can manage both.
    So what I’m asking is basically, is this a bad idea?
    I really don’t want to waste anymore time with continuing my education since I had a late start with uni (I was working before).
    People that have gone to language schools for the 2 year courses, was the schedules really hard to keep up with?
    I haven’t chosen a school yet although I have a couple that I liked from the list on GaijinPot but I know some schools are more intense than others so any recommendations and experiences would be helpful.
    Also I am looking in Tokyo since I have friends there.

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  2. >So what I’m asking is basically, is this a bad idea?

    How much do you like sleep? How much do you want to actually *experience* Japan vs just spending all day in your classroom and/or apartment?

    Quite frankly: Yes, it’s a bad idea.

    It’s not the *worst* idea, mind you. There’s nothing legally stopping you from doing it. But it’s going to prevent you from doing pretty much anything beyond studying.

  3. What will you study at university?
    After graduation, in what country and what job do you want to do?

  4. I went to Japan while completing the last year of my undergraduate with a long distance UK university, for 3 months. It was HARD. I just went to stay with my boyfriend and hang out/travel a bit. My focus was definitely on getting my year done. I still messed up one assignment lol

    I’m not sure if you’ve heard but the first year of university in the UK is rather easy and it’s in the second and third years that it’s much more demanding, especially third year. If you are super disciplined then you’ll have a easier time than me at least but really keep that in mind. You wouldn’t want your grades slipping during the years they actually matter.

    You also won’t have time to hang out with people much or get a part time job, so keep that in mind! I’d say language school is 30% classes and 70% your own effort and immersion with the language learning. I improved my Japanese a bit simply being surrounded by it every other day but I had my boyfriend to help with it too. Kanji study might be hardest – I heard it’s mostly self-study.

    Good luck and try to enjoy your experience if you go for it!

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