LDP lawmaker resigns following backlash over Eiffel Tower snap

LDP lawmaker resigns following backlash over Eiffel Tower snap


  1. “after she received backlash for posting “touristy” photos during a recent research trip to Paris.”

    am I missing something other than misogyny?

  2. I went on a business trip to the UK and France last year with Prefectural Assembly members (men) from each major political party, there were certainly a bunch of touristy photos we took when we had the time/opportunity yet I don’t see anything bad coming out of that…

    How ridiculous

  3. tax payers paid for that flight so yeah I can get people feeling sour about it. others have to pay lots of money to go see the Eiffel tower

  4. God damnit, every fuckin time I try to give this country the benefit of the doubt when it comes to political views they pull some shit like this.

    Christ I hate old people

  5. I’m inclined to think the people who made a fuss overlap with the folks criticize firefighters eating lunch, doctors taking a break, and police officers going to a Seven-Eleven.

  6. Good on you LDP! Way to focus on the real problems plaguing this administration and country!! Man, I sure am glad we have responsible adults in charge!!!

  7. Who honestly gives a toss? Considering the photo is taken very near the government district between the Eiffel Tower and the Champ de Mars, they were probably there on a lunchtime stroll.

  8. If this is only about taking a picture then yeah I agree that this whole thing is ridiculous….however the articles I’ve read suggest it’s more about ppl taking issue with it being a tax-funded trip with not very much actual work included in the itinerary.

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