Deep Sea Fishing?

Im going for Sakura Festival next year at the end of March and beginning of April. I fish alot but have never been deep sea fishing and this seemed like the best time to try. We will be spending 2-3 days in Shizuoka. First down by Ito then Shizuoka City. It’s been hard to find anything with internet search as my Japanese is still pretty rough. Are fishing charters a thing? Are there any for tuna or is this protected in some way?

  1. I’m sure you can find a charter but I doubt you will find a english speaking one for tuna. if I was deep sea fishing for the first time I’d want a crew that I can understand for safety and instructions.

    Your probably better off doing this next time your in a tropical place with a ton of English speaking tourists.

  2. While I won’t give you charter contacts here’s some input.

    Normally tuna tours go quite far into the open seas and don’t come back for several days. The tuna tours in the northern Japan can be closer, but it’s not the case with Shizuoka.

    Deep sea fishing is mainly Beryx, because it’s a highly prized fish. If you are lucky, some swordfish too on the way back.

    And yes, you will need to speak Japanese unless you want to pay premium on top of the already very expensive fishing boat tours.

  3. Yes there are charters, finding an English/non-Japanese speaking one will be challenging.

    Try Google Maps with searching “fishing charters”, quite a few boats will pop up. Some have websites and you can give the boat a call, you may get lucky and reach a foreigner-friendly one.

    Tuna will be challenging, usually those are multi-day trips. You can ask what they’re fishing for though.

    Alternatively, there are saltwater fishing ponds “tsuribori” where they bring in deep sea fish and raise them in large pens in the bay, you can pay an entry fee to fish these, and the meat quality can be quite good.

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