Beijing seafood dealers shocked by total Japan import ban

Beijing seafood dealers shocked by total Japan import ban

  1. Both Russia and China have led their economic activities to function without relying on imports. If they do not, they will be at a disadvantage in the next war. China has the option of stopping exports to Europe, the United States, Japan, and Taiwan. Meanwhile, they are preparing to continue the war even if exports from their adversaries stop.

  2. They should ban “ALL” seafood since they think ocean is now full with radiation, and destroy all their fishing boats

  3. If the news is to be believed they’re fishing up plenty of Japanese fish themselves. This is pure political fuckery.

  4. If the news is to be believed they’re fishing up plenty of Japanese fish themselves. This is pure political fuckery.

  5. If the news is to be believed they’re fishing up plenty of Japanese fish themselves. This is pure political fuckery.

  6. What China doesn’t realize is this that this will lead to an increased supply of fish inside Japan, leading to lower fish prices for me


  7. China always does stuff like this, and then questions why Japan is friendlier with the West than with them.

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