Obtaining My Number ( 個人番号)Outside Japan?

Kicking myself right now for not having the common sense to keep a scanned copy of my number/ juminhyo, and now I’ve been asked to fill in some information for an employment contract by a deadline, without any idea of what my identification number is. I’m not able to physically go to city hall and find out because I am out of Japan for the time being. Is there any way to obtain that sort of information through a hotline/ online registration thing? Is someone able to go obtain that information and be my proxy?

  1. You can fill out an ininjyou (proxy letter) so someone can pick up your juminhyo with the number on your behalf.

    Edit: Actually, looking at a random copy of an ininjyo (the one on Nagoya City’s website), they specifically limit copies of juminhyos with the MyNumber printed on them to members of the same household. Not sure if that’s true for all municipalities.

  2. Wouldn’t a reasonable employer allow you to skip the MyNumber part for now and filling that later?

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