It’s the katakana ‘ka’ which should be shown if you write ka. か、カ
On my keyboard I have to write か and either scroll down the suggestions until I find カ or push a couple of times a button on the side that reads first 変換 then 英数カナ until i see カ on the top suggenstions
Otoh if you write a word that is commonly written in katakana like カナダ you should see the katakana as a top suggestion
力 or カ, lol
with your eyes?
Ate you talking about katakana? You usually type the word in romaji and then just select the corresponding hiragana/katakana/kanji
カ like that, it’s simple, カ、カ、カ、カ
In all seriousness though, if you’re using a 9-key keyboard, then it’s usually the second button (か button) and the katakana will (hopefully) appear in one of the suggestions, it’s the same pronunciation as the hiraganaか. If you’re using a qwerty keyboard, just type it phonetically.
If the katakana doesn’t appear in your suggestions no matter what you do, you should consider a better IME for your own sanity.
[The Ten Tenants 「十人の住人」]( r/LearnJapanese: [If you can close your eyes and get what’s happening in this story you’re…
It’s the katakana ‘ka’ which should be shown if you write ka. か、カ
On my keyboard I have to write か and either scroll down the suggestions until I find カ or push a couple of times a button on the side that reads first 変換 then 英数カナ until i see カ on the top suggenstions
Otoh if you write a word that is commonly written in katakana like カナダ you should see the katakana as a top suggestion
力 or カ, lol
with your eyes?
Ate you talking about katakana? You usually type the word in romaji and then just select the corresponding hiragana/katakana/kanji
カ like that, it’s simple, カ、カ、カ、カ
In all seriousness though, if you’re using a 9-key keyboard, then it’s usually the second button (か button) and the katakana will (hopefully) appear in one of the suggestions, it’s the same pronunciation as the hiraganaか. If you’re using a qwerty keyboard, just type it phonetically.
If the katakana doesn’t appear in your suggestions no matter what you do, you should consider a better IME for your own sanity.