How close are Highschools in anime compared to actual highschools in Japan?

Hi so im a 16 yr old from Romania, going into my second year of highschool. Its not really the same here, like yea we have relationships and stuff, but like there arent any popular kids really, almost everyone gets along with everyone, and there are small groups.

There are a lot of drugs going on in Romanian highschools and almost everyone smokes and drinks alcohol already.
We dont wear uniforms and stuff so yea.

But how close are anime highschools to japanese ones? tbh i dont think its close to rl. The media here shows japanese people as a little cringe if you get what i mean( doesnt mean its true), so that s why im curios.

  1. Similar enough to be instantly relatable to all the high school students who watch anime and read manga.

    Different enough to actually be exciting and interesting.

    If you want something that’s reasonably accurate, check out some sports manga. Those are usually reflective of reality with minor bias. Some of the slice-of-life manga are also pretty accurate for the usual Japanese cultural touchstones as long as you sift out whatever assorted insanity comes along with it.

  2. Anime works are closer to Japanese reality than Romanian ones, but they are also fiction. And each piece has a different taste, right?
    Don’t you think that you can’t say anything without knowing which work you’re talking about?

    I want you to think about it, if the author writes the banality as it is, there is no novelty, no aspiration, nothing else, right? In other words, such works cannot be sold.

    Everything is on a commercial basis, so anything that doesn’t lead to funding can’t be formed into a work, you know?

    In other words, the work cannot be formed into a state that crosses national borders unless it is subtly detached from reality in order to create something eye-catching and interesting. In other words, the work is fiction.

    It’s very similar and different.

    By the way, you should quit marijuana, smoking, and drinking alcohol because they destroy brain function in brain growth and thinking.
    I will recommend you to improve.

  3. What are highschools like in anime?

    I lived with a host family in Japan in 2003 and attended highschool (grade 11) while I was there. So I can probably answer some of your questions.
    But I haven’t really watched any anime other than Hotaru no Haka and some Miyazaki films but those don’t really have highschools in them

  4. I was just having this discussion with a coworker yesterday. High school in anime and reality have overlap where there’s high emphasis on school clubs, school layout, segregated PE teams, school festivals, international school trips, etc.

    That being said, anime obvs won’t showcase the not so glamorous of the Japanese school system: bullying, turning blind eyes to issues (some, not all, depends on the school it seems), bribery, teacher shortage (nationwide), but these issues you’ll find everywhere.

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