Some questions about Permanent Resident application

I read the wiki and the official guide (Google translated version, so I might have missed something :”(), but still have some questions so I hope someone could help point me in the right direction:

1. Can I apply for my and my spouse’s PR at the same time? Or do I have to apply PR for myself first, and then apply for them? I’m a HSP visa holder and my spouse is my dependent.
2. I’m applying based on the (HSP visa + 1-year + 80 points) criteria. Does having more points beyond 80 matter? I have \~100 points, so wondering if it’s treated the same as having 80 points
3. By January 2024, I should hit my 1 year residence mark. However tax filing is not due until March. Should I wait until March to file tax first, and then apply for PR? Does it matter? Should I just apply as soon as I hit 1 year mark?
4. So far I’ve made sure taxes are paid on my paycheck, health insurances are paid, and pension is paid. Is there anything else I should be aware of that could hurt my chance?

Thank you so much for any advice!

  1. we have cases when 100+ point get it like in weeks – 3 months.

    Taxes available from june. In your case papers from job should be fine but better ask them twice.

  2. 1. I haven’t heard of anyone applying for both themselves and their spouse. In my case I applied for myself first then applied for my wife once I got PR.

    2. If gathering the documents to prove your point beyond 80 is not too troublesome then I would say go for it. This can serve as your buffer just in case immigration disagrees with some of your calculation.

    3. No need to wait. I applied almost on the dot the moment I hold 80 points for 1 year. At that time, tax filling for that year was not done yet.

    4. Make sure your dependent(s) have their pension/insurance/tax in order as well.

  3. The only way having more than 80 points would matter is as a buffer if they somehow disagree with your calculation and subtract points, in which case you could still be “safe” so to speak.

    I.e. if you have exactly 80 points and lose 5 points, you would be screwed.

  4. For #1 I can confirm that you can apply simultaneously with your spouse. Did this a couple of years ago.

  5. if your spouse has the 家族滞在 status of residence, you can apply with your spouse if you both fulfill the conditions for you to sponsor them for PR (other than you not yet having PR)

    it will be treated as a joint application; if there’s any reason for either of you to be denied then you will both be denied; if it’s approved then you are both approved

  6. I wasn’t filing a tax return, so kinda freaked out that some tax paid form was required for PR application. Went to the city office, tax dept, mentioned I needed proof of tax paid for PR application, the guy walked with my info to his desk, came back and I was expecting some bad news, but I just wanted to know what I had to do to get caught up, and he said go buy ticket #27 (or whatever it was) from the vending machine for around ¥200 and he can print out a copy of my proof of taxes paid! I wasn’t filing tax returns, but the company I worked for was withholding (maybe 10%) so I was up to date in taxes.

    TLDR: visit your tax dept at the city office and see if they can print out a form that shows ur taxes paid. Include that in your PR application.

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