Calling the immigration bureau for an update on PR

Has anyone tried calling the Tokyo immigration bureau for updates on their PR? I applied in December last year and have heard absolutely nothing since so want to make sure everything is in order and I’m not waiting for no reason. Any time I try to call I’m put on hold and after 2 minutes I’m told that I have waited the maximum amount of time and so it hangs up. Any advice here, short of going there in person? Thanks!

  1. They’ll just tell you it’s processing anyway. If you were missing something, you’d know.

  2. Looks like Osaka immigration process the applications much faster. I applied this February and received PR in July.

  3. Try calling right when they open to get through and confirm it’s still processing.

    But it’s normal, my Immigration Lawyer said the PR application takes about 10 months from Tokyo. The Tokyo office makes the final decision on complicated applications from different regions in addition to the ones submitted normally to them (which is the largest anyway).

    I feel you, I submitted in December too and I hate waiting for this. It’s preventing me from applying to jobs because they ask about my sponsorship and I’m like “uhm, er…”

  4. I called them up a few weeks ago (applied on May 15, HSP 1-year track). They told me it’d be eight months for me from point of application, and to expect it in January.

    Did you call the direct number that’s on your application receipt?

    Hope it comes through for you soon!

  5. Applied at Tachikawa in April, still waiting on my PR postcard. Visa’s up in March.

    REALLY don’t want to have to renew this visa come January.

    We’ll get ours soon I hope. Evefytime I call the line just says ‘busy, bye.’

  6. damn i apply this april that mean i have to wait at least half a year from now?… oh and i called them just asking for update, they just say it’s in process

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