how do people get invited to tokyo fashion week?

If only I were hip enough! Haha. I see a lot of people on facebook/instagram posting that they’re at fashion week. I’m just quite curious, how do people usually get invited? I was asking some of my friends who work in fashion thinking they’d have an idea, but got nothing. Just curious, tbh!

  1. Getting an invite to Tokyo Fashion Week… some fashion schools loan out students who then get comped to events, but for us regular people, it helps to work for a fashion publication, a photographer, runway choreographer (or any part of that team), a seamstress, a manufacturer or designer who will be showing, etc….some magazines like Vogue create paid events (not really an invite, but that usually how the general public ends up attending.)

  2. to get into shows the legit way? probably by being a influencer or journalist who’s well connected in the ecosystem- maybe has made friends with a few of the big street photographers, but really, the more friends, the better in these kinds of scenarios. it helps if you have a presence that fits the designers vibe, and of course attending events and parties might get you noticed, particularly if you’re a recurring face and you have something to bring to the table. there also might be people who go to open exhibitions and act like it’s part of fashion week proper too, which, i mean, on a technicality, they are, buuuuuuut. anyway, that’s my educated guess.

    that being said, it is also quite possible some people are showing up uninvited, haha.

  3. My husband’s friend works for a brand, that has a show there, so he gets asked if he wants tickets. I work in the apparel and textile world and get tickets, but haven’t been in years.

  4. My SO went on Monday. She works for some PR company and was invited. She said she had fun etc etc

  5. working in press/pr, working for the brand or being friends with someone who is, influencer, famous person, big spending customer

  6. Some events are open to the public, and you can just attend. Others you’d need an industry connection.

    And of course, some people just go to the venues and hang out outside to get photographed, they don’t actually attend the event itself.

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