Leonet Buffalo Router settings for Online Gaming

Hey guys. I’m having trouble getting my buffalo router set up specifically to be able to play online games using the leonet service. As of right now I have internet access (even though my device says I’m not connected to the internet) but I am not able to connect to game servers whatsoever.

Does anyone have a good or specific reference for how to do this? I’ve already tried my luck at looking at the other leonet posts, so please do not link me to one unless it is actually helpful or solved.

  1. I just plug my pc straight into the wall with the Ethernet cord. Works perfectly fine for most games. Some games like arma or teams peak I need to run through a VPN though.

  2. Buy an Ethernet cable and plug it to the wall because those leonet sticks are terrible for gaming. If you have issues with some stuff connecting but other failing try login in with your leonet user through the local IP that starts with 10 similar to

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