Hey all!
I’m currently living long term in a “share house”. I’m using quotations because I’ve signed a year contract and my unit has a private kitchen and bath and functions like it’s own apartment. Doesn’t seem to mesh with the usual share-house vibe.
Anyway- a few months ago I noticed some pretty severe water damage in my room, and as the rain came down in the following days it became more severe and began in the hallway outside my room. For context, I live in a four story apartment style building, but I have no tenant above me so it is likely a leak from the roof.
I have been back and forth with the building managers who seem oddly chevalier about water damage. After pushing them to have it inspected, they brought someone in. The expert expressed concern and the building manager offered me to switch rooms. They have since had other experts in but haven’t shared the feedback with me
So here’s my issue:
1. If I move rooms, it is not because I choose to but because of the damage. No compensation has been offered and when I asked I was not only told there was none, but the rooms I could move to would be more expensive.
2. I have been getting consistant sore throats over the past two months in line with the discovery of the damage, it could be unrelated, but it could also be related.
3. They aren’t giving me updates on the issue and I don’t know how much work will need to be done or how it will affect me living in the unit- or what will be done to compensate me for that sort of inconvenience
I’m hoping for advice on what I should expect from this company and what my rights are in regards to this type of damage. I know that it’s technically a share-house so I don’t know what I’m entitled to as a tenant. Does anyone have any advice? I just don’t want to be taken advantage of or screwed over.