Yahoo! Auctions ヤフーオーク Buyer Protections

Just made a big purchase for the first time on Yahoo Auctions, and the payment method is via Yahoo!かんたん決済. I asked the seller a few questions about the item, and shipping, but haven’t heard back. I then found the same photos listed on PayPay Flea Market, Rakuten, Mercari, so I was wondering….

What others have done if they are scammed? What protections does Yahoo offer me as the buyer, and do I need to be careful about anything before sending money via かんたん決済? Like is there anything I can do if a different item arrives, or it appears to be a knockoff, etc.?

For example, if I request a refund, does it go straight to my bank account, the way I paid, or is it kept locked inside Yahoo’s ecosystem (like Mercari, where the money can’t be sent out, only used within the site)?

Just want to know what others have done to resolve disputes.

Not saying one will happen, just trying to educate myself in advance.

  1. In the item description, it does say


    I know what this means in Japanese, just not sure if this actually means Yahoo won’t investigate or return money in the event that my item isn’t what was described/photographed.

    Basically, I’ve read the rules on the Yahoo! Auctions website, in Japanese, so I know what the policy is, but I don’t know what it looks like in practice, if it has actually worked for people after they’ve sent money and gotten something like a Chinese knockoff, or the extent of its coverage/power when buyers realize they’ve been scammed.

    How long was the claims process? How much evidence did you need? Were the Yahoo sitemasters or judges helpful and responsive to your story? Did you ultimately win or lose? (etc)

  2. Usually, the seller only gets paid after the buyer presses the product received button in the final process of the transaction.

  3. It’s common to list same item on a few different platforms to increase the share. Usually grabbing it on one platform will either automatically (for a big seller) or manually delist them. So this by itself isn’t a red flag. Yahoo auctions is also quite hands off, if you wanted to ask questions you should have done it at the item listed at mercari.

    In Yahoo, the system has been setup to automate providing address info, payment, shipping confirmation, etc. Unless there’s an actual problem that needs solving, I don’t expect most sellers to spend time answering questions post-purchase. The next communication you should be getting will be shipping update – it is weekend, maybe the person is busy/etc.

    As others said, seller doesn’t get paid until you receive the item and accept it in the transactions page, so there’s going to be time for negotiation in case you think you’ve been scammed (unlikely).

  4. In reality there is very little buyer protection for Yahoo Auction and PayPayl flea market. Heck the most compensation you’ll get is 10,000 yen. Before you buy make sure that the seller has a high % of positive feedback otherwise you are basically on your own.

  5. If you don’t get the item you don’t pay for it.

    If it’s clearly fraudulent I am sure yahoo has a system to take care of these issues. Mercari does.

    There are people/bots that repost popular items across many people websites etc. This is nothing to be concerned about.

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