Gas heater error code 111

My Gas heater is showing me error code 111.

When I click On/Off button its starts and heats water for few seconds and turn into 111 error code mode again.

While stove still have gas connection.

I tried to press only button I could see on gas meter.
Nothing is changing.

Any idea how I could fix this ?

  1. When gas equipment gives you an error, call the gas company. Even if you’re fine with blowing yourself up, your neighbors likely do not wish to die.

  2. You said it heats water for a few seconds and then goes to the error code, after that does it stop heating or just work as normal but with the code?

    If everything still works, maybe the error codes is coming up because the device has reached a certain age and requires servicing which obviously would be the building owner’s responsibility.

    You can override that on the panel by pressing the power button 5 times in succession or something similar, but with anything potentially dangerous like gas, it’s best to get it checked out by a professional.

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