otc sleep medication?

Anyone has recommendations for a good otc sleeping aid?
Currently my anxiety increased…


  1. Chamomile tea?

    Otherwise, I advise you to see a psychiatrist and get some prescription medication.

  2. Definitely try some camomile tea. Just a warm brew before bedtime, and I’m out like a light. I feel a lot more mellow and less anxious the following day, too.

  3. Neoday

    Or simple melatonin.

    Otherwise Gaba for Sleep chocolates or Chill Out drink. They are made of GABA and L-Theanine which are supplements that help with anxiety. Or just buy these supplements separately.

    Mixed with Chamomile tea as others mentionned.

  4. I’ve taken ドリエル and worked fine. But when I had anxiety peaking I talked to my doctor and got the right prescription (lorazepam). If you can, please talk to a professional.

  5. Not medication but taking magnesium supplements before sleep is also helping to get a relaxing and more deeper sleep. You could give it a try as well.

  6. レスタミンコーワ is a Japanese brand of Benadryl. Most sleep aids sold in the west are just high doses of Benadryl.

  7. I’ve suffered from insomnia since I was young. I try to keep up good sleep hygiene and watch my behavior, but sometimes a good sleeping pill is what I need to live a healthy, norm life.

    At the pharmacy you can buy two different types of sleep aids. The first is OTC sleeping pills like ドリエル. They’re all antihistamine drugs so basically the same as some allergy medications. They make me drowsy but I’ve never found them to really help me get to sleep. Plus yoyur not supposed to take them long term. The second type are the herbal supplements, homeopathics and woo-woo treatments. They’re not worth your time and money.

    If you’re having trouble sleeping I suggest you visit your doctor. They might run some tests or the doctor might prescribe you a sleeping pill. I personally don’t take sleeping pills every night, but they’ve helped me immensely when I’ve found myself unable to sleep for extended periods of time.

  8. depending on the severity of your insomnia, but for me melatonin or OTC doesn’t work because I have anxiety issues and depression that my brain won’t stuff when I try to go to sleep. Melatonin you can buy from iHerb.

    my psychiatrist is prescribing me Zolpidem to fall asleep.

  9. Personally OTC stuff didn’t work for me, what worked was some exercise.

    Just do a stroll, minimum 10k steps daily. It’s a good exercise that’ll help you sleep better, plus unlike hard exercises (e.g. running), light exercises would actually help with anxiety. Bonus if you do it during sunlight, that extra Vit D also helps with anxiety.

    Otherwise, go to a psychiatrist for a prescribed medication. Lack of sleeping is not a joke. If it’s serious, I strongly advise you to go to a doctor.

    I actually went to one when my anxiety got worse, and there are plenty of options for sleep pills depending on your condition. Plus the doctor would start with a really low dose, so you don’t need to worry much about addiction.

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