Bald or Buzzed head foreigners here in Tokyo – advice/experiences ?

What’s up yall. Looking for people in my situation that are either shaving their head with razors or buzzing no clippers and living in Tokyo or Japan in general.

What are your experiences with dating Japanese girls? Am I doomed with the buzzed head + beard look (western foreigner)? I keep hearing that Japanese girls really aren’t into it.

I moved here recently and looking to get some advice / hear some experiences

  1. You gotta make up for it in other ways. I’ve got the bald plus overweight double-debuff and I did just fine. I could make her laugh when we met and I can still do the same eight years ago.

    I’ve seen some pretty unfortunate looking people here with incredibly attractive partners on both sides.

    If you’ve got a buzzed head and a beard, I’m pretty sure you’ll be fine. I am. 👍

  2. Yeah, even like just a bit of stubble seems to be a turn off here. I guess the boy band image as I call it is popular which means smooth skin, a lot of hair and youth. Going for some Jason Statham look of some stubble and gym work just doesn’t seem to be the same here as it is in the states. That’s not saying you CAN’T get a woman though, there is always going to be an exception and I have seen fat little middle aged men getting women.

  3. I am a girl and shaved my head last year and had no problem pulling in men and women. There is always someone into it. Don’t sweat it!

  4. Never had a problem, with shaved head and small beard. Had plenty of interest, and now married so clearly it wasn’t a deal breaker. Just keep it all clean-looking, obviously.

  5. I have no idea about how Japanese women would react as I am already taken, but had no issues myself in day-to-day life after I started buzzing mine a few months back.

  6. Shave you head with a straight razor. Once you master it, your self-confidence problems will be solved!

    Joke apart, no choice buddy. Perhaps growing some beard if you feel a bit “naked” would help?

    Also, learn to use a straight razor for both your head and beard, you’ll save hundreds of dollars and never get a better shave compared with any industrially made multiblade crap.

  7. You ever seen the crazy/hot matrix on YouTube?

    It’s got a guy section. Basically if you’re not a 9 or above hot. Money, money money.

    Make a pairs account & put that you make 8mil+. You will get results.

  8. Bald man here. While my experiences will probably be a bit different than yours because I’m an Asian foreigner, (you may get the Jason Statham, Bruce Willis, Dwayne Johnson treatment while i get the comparison to a temple monk lol) being bald makes you no more or less attractive to any girl, Japanese or not. It’s all just a matter of peoples’ personal preference.

    Sure there are general stereotypes about Japanese people and who or what they like/prefer, but the bottom line is, if someone is going to judge you by the amount of hair you have on your head, they aren’t worth your time anyway.

    The first time I shaved my head i was in a relationship with a Japanese girl. At the time my (now ex) gf was kinda against it but ultimately she said if i wanted to it was my decision as she realized that i couldn’t tell her how she should have her hair either. My hair was already thinning and hairline was getting higher and higher so i just said “fuck it” and went all in.

    Obviously like any normal person and friends, she poked fun at me and made jokes at first but she got used to it within a month, as did most of my friends, and then she actually came to like it. We split maybe half a year later for other reasons but being bald was not the issue lol.

    As long as your personality isn’t an issue, you’ll be fine bro.

    i don’t know any straight Japanese woman who doesn’t think Ken Watanabe is hot(ter) when he’s bald so yea, in my experience Japanese women are clearly not “anti-bald” lol.

    Anyway, don’t think about it too much.

    Many men are afraid or ashamed of going bald.

    Just embrace it and you’ll probably become more confident than before.

  9. >What are your experiences with dating **Japanese** girls? Am I doomed with the buzzed head + beard look (western foreigner)? I keep hearing that **Japanese** girls really aren’t into it.

    Well you don’t have to date Japanese girls 😉

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