Looking for a dictionary that gives definitions in Japanese

Every dictionary I can find on the web translates Japanese words into English and provides a definition in English, even if I search using the Japanese word 辞書

Is there an online dictionary that provides definitions in Japanese?

  1. There are many.

    Tofugo has an excellent article about the various Japanese-English and Japanese-Japanese dictionaries available.


    The Japanese dictionary world is extremely crowded — have a look at the wikipedia article to get an idea of just how many are out there!


  2. If you have an iPhone, you can select any Japanese word and tap “Look up”. You’ll get both a Japanese and English description.

  3. You can google _____ 意味 and it’ll come up with the definition in Japanese

    Like “検索 意味” comes up with “文書・カード・データなどから必要な情報をさがし出すこと。”

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