Best bank that can SWIFT transfer?

I currently have an account with Japan post bank but the functions are really basic and I can’t transferred money overseas. What bank does everyone recommend that’s friendly for foreigners?

  1. I have previously transferred money overseas (US) from a JP bank account. The process was extremely complicated and involved having to visit my branch and filling out a bunch of forms, then submitting documents that prove the relationship between me and the person I’m sending money to is legit.

    I have since switched to Sony bank and they way they do things is much easier, quicker and online.

    Generally speaking, most banks here will have some tedious procedure that you have to go through, it all comes down to finding one that makes it less painful.

    You could also check out wise

  2. Whatever you do, don’t go with Mizuho. I wanted to send some money over from my home country to my mizuho acc in japan and they were questioning me for ages over the phone, they requested several documents, and they were like next time you do this it may be difficult but this time we will proceed with the transaction.

  3. I think MUFJ can do that but has a cap of 500k JPY per month. For receiving from abroad to bank they don’t have limits though. For small amounts maybe check out Wise.

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