How many classes do you teach per day?

How many classes per day on average and at how many different schools?

  1. 4 schools. ES is 3-4 classes a day, JHS is typically 4 a day. Weekly average of 17-18 classes. Although some weeks vary a little.

  2. 2 schools.

    Base school : 3-4 classes a day (or 1 class a week during slow times)

    Visit school (once a week): 3 classes a day

    Total of 4 – 16 classes a week depending on scheduling

  3. 1 elementary school.

    When I started I had 6 classes a day, being double booked for most of them. I spoke up and now I have 4-5 classes a day. I’m still double booked…

  4. When i had 12 schools i usually taught 2-4 classes a day. 5 on a super rare occasion. Not nearly as bad as you would think, i essentially taught the exact same lesson over the course of the month.

  5. I’m not with JET but with interac. I work at 3 different schools during the week. My first school is usually 1-3 classes at a highschool.
    My second school is 1-2 classes usually at a special needs school.
    My third school is 3 days a week and I work anywhere from 1-3 classes.
    It’s not exactly a heavy schedule but can be some days.

  6. My first placement was super-duper rural. I had an office day most weeks with no classes. My second placement was urban during COVID (aka alt shortage, CO filling our schedules to the brim). I taught 6 classes a day almost every day.

  7. You could teach anywhere from 0 to 6 classes in any given day in my experience between JHS and ES. I’ve not known a school to have a 7th or 8th period that wasn’t reserved for homeroom and extra curriculars. I’ll add that the more schools you have in your rotation the more likely your schedules will be full. The most busy I’ve ever been on JET was always after someone broke their contract.

  8. Mostly 4-5 classes , rarely 6 and sometimes 2-3. This is at JHS though as T2, so I don’t prep anything and just walk round helping students. I actually prefer having more lessons because the day feels long af at my desk.

  9. 12 classes a week. Works well for me because I am T1 for all of those classes and I make the lesson plan for about 8 of those classes, so I spend the rest of the time lesson planning or making games for the international club. This week is a light schedule: Monday 1 class Tuesday 3, Wednesday 0, Thursday 3 + international club, Friday 2.

  10. I work at 3 different SHS and average 3 classes a day on a normal week.

    But also at my 3day a week school, quite often 0 or 1 if there is something like events, exams coming up or healthchecks. Also sometimes the class is just moving slowly and the teacher wants to catch up.

  11. 1 SHS, 1/1/0/3/4

    Teaching in the classroom is only part of my responsibilities. Most of my time is outside that giving performance tests, marking work or other activities. Scheduled for 18 classroom lessons per week but the majority of those are performance tests which are required of us by our BOE

  12. 2 ES, 1 Kindergarten 1/3/2/3/3

    But one of my schools is shutting down next year so it’ll become 1/3/0/0/3. Guess i’ll be studying a lot of Japanese next year.

  13. I taught at a junior/senior high. I usually had between 2-4 classes a day. There was one year where I taught 5 out of 6 periods in the day, but then I had one day with only 1 class. It just happened that a lot of the English classes were squished into one day of the week that year.

  14. On average 4/5/5/5/4. W/Th fluctuates a lot tho depending on scheduling conflicts. I teach at 1 JHS and 2 ES. The JHS can range from 0-6 classes a day. My visit ES I teach every grade every week (it’s so small that the first and second graders are combined, hence only 5 classes). At my normal ES, I team teach with a co JTE and we do 3rd, 5th, and 6th Mondays, with 4th, 5th, and 6th Fridays. I teach the three classes of 1st and 2nd grade on my own (with the HRT) once a month (so three out of four weeks).

    It’s busy, but I tend to prefer that to desk warming, especially cuz I’m only T1 for the little kids, so my actual responsibility is not as strenuous.

  15. 20-24 classes/week. Usually about 4-5 classes/day, between 1 JHS (base) and 3 ES. I’m only in charge of like 3 or so activities per week across all my schools, so I don’t mind being in the classroom a lot. But it’s hard on my body to stand for 5 class periods 😞

  16. My schedule varies a lot. 2 classes per week on the low end, 6 or 7 on the odd busy week. I T2 for the consistent 2 classes per week, co-teach (I plan the lesson, me and my JTE both teach) for the other 4 or 5. I teach at 1 SHS.

  17. My week is 3 days at base SHS. I teach one lesson per month (average, sometimes 2) to 8 homeroms of 1年. I also teach a 3rd grade elective once each week. So there are weeks I only teach one class at my base school. When I am teaching a lesson, there are never more than 4 classes on a day.

    At one visit school I always teach 2 classes.

    At the other visit school I always teach at least 2, but usually 5.

  18. When I thought SHS, it was 0-4. Now, I teach JHS and ES, and it’s almost always 4-5.

  19. Depends on a lot of variables but most importantly is how often you are at that specific school. Some will have 3-4 classes per day or some will have 5-6. While on occasions it may just be 1-2 classes.

  20. JHS; one school but I also have a co so my co and i alternate which classes we go to each week.

    I usually have 2-3 per day. With an average of 10-15 classes per week. A busy day is having 4 in a row. The teachers dont’ like to make my co and I do 6 classes in one day. My co and I’s classes we go to we are T1 every time with lesson plans/activities we have to prepare for those days. We don’t usually go to the classroom if they’re reading from the book or having the grammar explained to them in Japanese.

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