Shichi-GoSan (7-5-3) Photo Studio in United States (East Coast)

My wife has been asking for years to go back to Japan for 7-5-3 photos for our kids and unfortunately due to work-schedule and cost (to fly 4 people) to Japan I cannot afford to get us all back there. These photos are incredibly important to her so I am really hoping to find somewhere on the East Coast of USA that is familiar with/does these kinds of photos.

We are located near Washington D.C but I am willing to drive several hours if anyone has any recommendations in the vicinity. I have checked the Japan-America Society website and it seems they have offered some slots (2019) in Philadelphia but could not find anything else at all. We have Kimonos for the family we can mail from Japan as needed.

Thank you so much 🙏🏻

1 comment
  1. My wife did that with our first daughter but used a local for our second one. Try They are based in Brooklyn NY and Tokyo. Good luck!

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