JLPT : Should I retake the same exam?

I failed the N4 exam back in July by 9 points. (81/180) Should I retake the exam in December?(with the guarantee of passing this time) I was previously planning on taking N3, but now I’m confused. Since the JLPT is in three months, I can either study (4-6 hours per day, plus 6-8 on weekends).

I also have an option to do N3 in December and N3 in July (if I fail)?
P.S. My objective is merely to pass n3

  1. Up to you. I failed the N2 by a couple points and just moved on. I would go back and restudy what you didn’t understand tho, as all levels are cumulative.

  2. Personally I would say go for N3 – if you’re absolutely sure you can pass N4, there’s not much benefit to actually taking it (sure, you get a piece of paper saying you passed, but it’s not a very useful piece of paper).

  3. Don’t rush, there is no reason to rush, passing N3/N4 is kinda “useless”, even if you plan to go to Japan and find work, N2 is usually the requirement. I’d say it is up to you, especially if you live somewhere where the July exam is available.

  4. If you’re studying N3 materials now, might as well take the N3.

    I took the July N3 test, would 100% do N2 in December even if i failed (fortunately passed). You have to take mock test a month before the exam just so you can estimate how much score you can get on the real thing. I did like 3 mock test got almost the same score from all of them(I was getting 60% correct if i remember correctly. got 136/180 on the real thing).

    But wait, isnt the registration for December done?

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