Pages 1 thru 8 of Yotsuba&, with detailed grammar analysis

Unfortunately I can’t post images in this subreddit, but one of my recent projects has been working through the first chapter of Yotsuba& and writing a detailed analysis of the grammar.

Despite how often Yotsuba& gets recommended as a beginner-friendly manga, it actually uses a lot of “casual” Japanese grammar that beginners who only went through Genki, Minna no Nihongo, Duolingo, and the like have almost no experience with. So a lot of beginners get frustrated – I used to be one of them – and I wanted to rectify that for everyone who felt like me.

I posted my progress so far, pages 1 through 8, on this smaller Japanese-learning subreddit. I’d be super pleased if it serves as a useful intro to the world of “casual” Japanese grammar, or if someone more experienced than I has any additional insights to add.



  1. A large part of the issue is that when someone hears beginner manga they think, ‘oh I started a few weeks ago. I’m a beginner this is my level.’ But it’s still native material which doesn’t really exist below an intermediate level. Yotsuba is just the easiest one.

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