Pasmo/Suica unavailable + incompatible phone?

I’ve been here just over a month but am staying for 2+ years. My Pasmo passport that I was initially advised to get for the settling in period has expired. I was aware of the IC shortage that has stopped the sale of new pasmo/suica cards but thought that I could get an equivalent on my phone. It turns out however that it is not ‘Osaifu-Keitai’ compatible.

What is the best way to access the tokyo public transport system, for the long term, if you:

\- cannot buy a pasmo/suica

\- do not have a Osaifu-Keitai compatible phone


Do I need to buy individual tickets every time I travel? Or purchase a new phone simply to access public transport? Both of those seem more than a little impractical!

  1. Do you have a job or do you go to school where you have to go most days of the week? If yes you can still get a commuter pass on an IC Card.

    The other options include getting a card from a different region or paying an extra to buy a card from a reseller (for example there is some websites that sell regular IC cards to tourist).

  2. Not that helpful but I believe IC cards can still be bought outside of JR East’s operating area. Flying roundtrip to Osaka just to buy an IC card would be cheaper than a new phone.

  3. You can always buy a used local phone or an old IC card or smart watch. I have old Suica and Sugoca I don’t need.

  4. I use a fitness tracker / smart watch (Fitbit Charge 5) for Suica-type payments. Don’t have NFC functionality on my tablet (and I don’t use a phone) but it can charge money (only) via the app using Bluetooth. It’s doable but it’s not as stress-free compared to charging the Suica card normally.

  5. I upgraded to a Pixel 7 recently (used to use digital Pasmo on a Pixel 5) and it said it was incompatible with Osaifu Keitai in Google Wallet, but switching to a Japanese account in the Play Store let me download and set it up just fine. If you haven’t already, I’d try switching to a Japanese account for whatever app store you use to see if that works!

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