Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 11 September 2023

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. So a former Japanese colleague reached out if I’d be willing to help him at his company’s event. It was an event for tourists and they wanted someone who can speak English. My colleague said I’d be compensated and would let me know details later if I’m interested. I’m conveniently off on event day so I replied with sure, keep me posted.

    Well, that was about two weeks ago. Haven’t heard from him since then. And said event is supposed to happen this Saturday. I assumed things got canceled or they found someone else so I didn’t bother to follow up (which is where I messed up probably). I sent a quick email last Friday to my colleague saying along the lines of, “Hey, haven’t heard from you since then. I’ve made different plans. Let me know if you need help again another time.” Thought that was the end of it.

    Last night, I received a reply from my colleague that apparently the event is still happening and that he was counting on me to help him out that day so I can’t “back out.” I replied soon that he hadn’t responded to me with any details or updates, not even how much I’d get compensated, etc. and because of the lack of contact I had assumed he didn’t need me anymore. This morning, he replied back again saying that he just got too busy to update me and that I needed to understand. He also mentioned that in Japan, verbal contract is legal so since I first “accepted” the work, I would have to follow through otherwise he *could* sue me for the “inconvenience” I will cause him. I want to call him out on his bullshit but also hesitant because this colleague has been a good work reference and would like to keep things diplomatic.

    Anyway, so did I eff up or would it be safe with telling colleague to pound sand. If colleague *insists*, I plan on mentioning a higher rate for compensation since we haven’t discussed that part yet.

  2. Does anyone know what’s going on with Suica cards? Mine stopped working last week but then the machines that issue new ones are all closed down and it says they’re temporarily not issuing any. This is in Tokyo by the way.

    It does say you can exchange a broken one. But just wondering why they’re not issuing any new ones.

  3. My wife has a SoftBank phone she used to use for a long time. She ended the contract about a year ago, without unlocking the phone. Her newer phone has died and she wants to use the old phone with an MVNO sim. Does SoftBank have like a 1 month plan she could get on, so she could get on it long enough to unlock the phone? Or is paying for an unlock code online the only option?

    She’s stubborn and won’t just get a new phone, because もったいない …

  4. Are carbon monoxide detectors not a thing in Japanese households? See smoke detectors on Amazon but only a few CO ones that seem to be for camping. Gas company just replaced outside bottles, and fitted all new Rinnai water heater, control panels, lines etc, bit no mention of alarms. Just wondering…

  5. I got a 3 pronged charger for a computer that’s 100-240 v

    Does this mean I need a converter or can I just get a two to three prong power bar.

    Bought in america I think. Worked in canada

  6. I’m thinking of applying for a spouse visa since my renewal is coming but I’m worried. We’ve been married a bit over 2 years but, my wife makes 2.5 million a year which is under the 3 million mark I see popping up. I make about 11 million so we’re pretty comfortable but, would that be an issue?

  7. Why does my school want me to burn music onto CDs for sports day?!? Has nobody heard of an aux cord that could be EASILY used with those Chromebooks all the students have?

    On another note, I’m just slightly too young to know how to burn a CD (but I have used many!) so this has been a learning process. Got the snagging songs off YouTube and splicing them together part down tho 😂

  8. Okay, so, please be gentle with me here lol.

    I’ve never bought a SIM card before. I have no idea how it works. Do I just figure out which SIM card I want, go to a store that sells them and ask the employees there? My Japanese is pretty good, but I probably lack a bunch of vocabulary when it comes to electronics.

    Also, any suggestions for specific SIM cards, especially ones with good internet coverage in the mountains? I’d like to go hiking a lot.

  9. I love eating mentaiko on top of a rice but lately I am trying to pair it with different foods.

    Anyone have some recommendations to pair well with mentaiko?

  10. Are there any huge disadvantages to getting an unofficial Switch controller from Amazon as a casual Zelda player?

    Are the unofficial ones cheaper because they’re not as good, or are they basically the same and the official one is more expensive just because it’s official?

  11. For my folks that live in Okinawa, when you make rice do you use bottled/dispenser water to clean your rice when you make it. I know the majority of people don’t drink the faucet water so I’m curious if they use faucet to rinse their rice….

  12. My room smells muggy and I hate it. I already leave my window open most of the time but it’s still there….Any way to get rid of it that isn’t washing my futon and bedsheets + mopping the floor every single day?

  13. Is getting a phone/internet plan at Bic camera a good idea, or dumb idea? I heard their rebates are pretty good.

    I like my points card.

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