Akita Kanto vs Yamagata Hanagasa festival

Between the 2 famous Tohoku summer festivals, if you can only go see one, which one would you recommend? Just purely about which festival you think is more interesting or better to watch. No participation this year by bystanders for either one according to the websites

Also I noticed Kanto festival has a lot of food stalls set up, but couldn’t find anything similar on Hanagasa festival, is it just a parade of dancers and that’s it?

  1. Hanagasa is mainly just the parade of dancers. There’s lots of styles of the dance, and some of them are more complicated than others, but otherwise it’s 4+ hours of watching different groups dance to the same song. There’s no food IIRC (but I went before covid).

    I’ve never been to the Akita Kanto festival, so I hope someone who has can comment on it.

  2. Akita Kantou for sure.
    Went in 2017, was so cool how they balance the lanterns on their backs and other parts of their body. Crazy crazy crowded and I had to take the last bullet train back at 8:50pm and stay in morioka because it was booked out.

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