Japan’s population falls by record 726,342 to 125.93 mil in 2021

Japan’s population falls by record 726,342 to 125.93 mil in 2021


  1. Not unsurprising. The only way to get out of this is through increasing immigration which I’m not sure how you do if you are currently projecting your country as foreigner unfriendly.

    This is and will continue to be a huge problem for Japan. Aging population, ultra low birth rate and not enough immigration.

  2. There are too many people on this planet. If humans are destroying the environment, depopulating without violence should be deemed a natural and respectable phenomenon. It happens in the animal kingdom when resources are scarce. Maybe that’s telling us something about Japan? Too many people on the old island maybe?

  3. That’s a pretty big decline for nobody to be looking around and saying ” yah, old people dying and nobody having kids”

  4. I don’t know what the root cause is – the main Abrahamic religions, maybe? – but it seems that most people assume that it is a given that the human race will only ever increase in population and that this is somehow a good thing.

    Japan’s long been a place which does things somewhat differently, and while I don’t think they’re actively *aiming* to reduce the population, that’s what’s happening. Fewer people equals more resources for the people that *are* here.

    As Bill Hicks put it (paraphrase) “stop rutting until we get this “food-air” deal worked out”.

    This trend may hurt Japan in the short run, but in the long run I would be surprised if there weren’t considerable benefits, some of which we can’t yet see.

  5. Not news. Everyone knows the population will have dropped below 100mil in a few decades.

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