A question about カブトムシ (Kabuto beetles)

So we’ve had this カブトムシ since the start of summer. We found it on a farm and took it home and gave it a nice big house with logs and sticks to climb.

After about a month, we noticed one of his legs had broken off at the elbow or first joint (if that makes any sense). We rairly handle him so I know it wasn’t because of that but I found his leg in the corner. He was fine without it so I never really thought much of it.

Fast forward two months and I just noticed today that pretty much all his legs are amputated at the “elbow” or “wrist” (sorry guys, I’m not a beetle anatomy expert).

Like I said, we never really pick him up so these much have just called off.

I Google’d it but nothing came up.

I guess he’s at the end of his natural life as summer is ending and I wonder if this is normal for these little guys – legs fall off, they fall from the tree, some other animal eats them.

Anyway, just wanted to see if there was anybody out there who knew about these things.

  1. Check if you have any mites in the setup. They could be affecting the beetle. By now, it’s end of the season and life for them. It could be that the humidity in your setup is too low.

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