does speeding tickets affect future neutralization ?

this year April I got a speeding ticket , 2 points and 15000¥ fine wich I paid immediately( doing 60 in a 40 accidentally. that was a slope road FFS, and later got to know police always setup mobile speed traps in that place)
P.S. – I don’t like to speed or break any rules.
will it affect when I apply for neutralization in future?or is there anyone got naturalization even with speeding tickets?

  1. they’ll expire in 3 years. after that you’ll be fine, so if you apply 3 years after you got them, it won’t be in the history anymore.

  2. > that was a slope road FFS

    Damn those sloped roads. Why don’t cars have some kind of braking mechanism for cases like this?

  3. Share the knowledge, where is that spot just in case? I’ve never really seen a mobile speed camera yet

  4. Maybe I’m crazy, but I swear that a thread really similar to this (including the ‘slope’ excuse) was posted within the last two weeks.

  5. What drives a man to be neutral? Gold, parking tickets, or was he just born with a sick sense of neutrality.

  6. OP this is too funny but I think you meant “naturalization” (receiving citizenship) and not “neutralization” (to get ridden of/liquidated/killed)

  7. If you’re ever in a position where you could potentially be neutralized by the state, a speeding ticket could be the deciding factor

  8. No doubt it will be questioned. As long as you don’t commit anymore traffic violations you will be fine.

  9. Yeah , my friend recently went thorugh the naturalization process and they brought up like past accidents which I think can affect the process. But I am unsure of how much it will afffect you

  10. At that speed you should be fine, but yes, 30kmph (possibly 20) or over *will* affect PR, and so I’d expect naturalisation too – you need to wait ten years before it’s scrubbed as far as immigration are concerned.

  11. My buddy got jammed up because he got a ticket for no front brake on his bike. He was trying to get his permanent residency.

    He bowed and apologized and that was that. But they did hold his processing up.

  12. I think it’s 30 over where it goes to being a criminal act. You don’t get a ticket, but a summons to go see a prosecutor. At 50 over, you can be arrested on the spot, and do jail time. Those will follow you. Normal violations I wouldn’t worry about, unless it’s like a weekly thing.

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