Late Payments on Nenkin Net

I was checking my and my husband’s Nenkin Net recently since I am going through what procedures and documents I need to do in preparation for applying for PR next year. I know that I missed a payment for myself YEARS ago (7 or more I think?) and I missed one payment for my husband last year. Yet when I went to see our payment history, I didn’t notice any marks signifying late payment, so my question is, how do they know through the print-off from Nenkin Net that you are late? I tried searching through google and this site but I couldn’t find an answer to what I am looking for. If anyone has a kind of screen shot or explanation on how they know I would be very grateful.

  1. Were you and your husband on 厚生年金 or 国民年金? If it is 国民年金 then aside from Nenkin Net print out, you also have to provide the receipts for the period you were on 国民年金 in the last 2 years (国民年金保険料領収証書(写し) ). That can be used to check if you paid on time.

  2. >so my question is, how do they know through the print-off from Nenkin Net that you are late?

    Because any month with the last two years which was category 1 (I.e Kokumin Nenkin payment via bills sent to you from the municipality) they will want to see the payment receipt (from conbini) or bank transfer etc

    Using the “spouse of Japanese national/spouse of PR route” as an example you can see this noted in part 7(1)(c):

    >ウ 国民年金保険料領収証書(写し)
    ※ 直近2年間において国民年金に加入していた期間がある方は、当該期間分の領収証書(写し)を全て提出してください。提出が困難な方は、その理由を記載した理由書を提出してください。※ 直近2年間の全ての期間において国民年金に加入していた方で、直近2年間(24月分)の国民年金保険料領収証書(写し)を提出できる場合は、上記ア又はイの資料を提出していただく必要はありません。

    (This will apply to ALL paths to PR application guidelines. The only one that differs is the “80+ points” path because they only need to show the last 1 year Kokumin pension receipts as opposed to last 2 years)

    Those who are category 2 (employee enrolled in Shakai Hoken) and category 3 (dependent spouse of category 2) for every month in the last two years need submit their pension record via 7(1)(a) OR 7(1)(b)

    Any months which are category 1 months in the last two years have to submit either:

    – 7(1)(a) + 7(1)(c)

    – OR 7(1)(b) + 7(1)(c)

    If you’ve been enrolled as category 1 only for the last two years then you can just submit 7(1)(c) without 7(1)(a) or 7(1)(b)…. But I’m pretty sure immigration would still likely want to see 7(1)(a) or 7(1)(b) so might as well submit it too, especially as 7(1)(b) (Nenkin Net) is easy to obtain.

    Worth nothing that the other paths to PR may not be “7(x)(y)” they maybe in parts 8 or 9 etc due to the sequencing of documents required.

  3. >I missed one payment for my husband last year.

    If you are going spousal -> PR you will be rejected then sadly. They will ask for proof of national, and employee pension.

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