I wish I could afford to eat sushi every day

Sakana Sushi in Seattle’s Cap Hill area

  1. Try making it at home. It’s super easy. You can make it with canned tuna even. It may not start out pretty, but eventually you’ll get the hang of it. If it’s really messy, put it in a bowl like chirashi. It still tastes the same!

  2. I’m sure all the mercury collected in your body would be worth something that you can sell for more sushi

  3. Err, my tastes for sushi are pretty high end and I often treat friends and coworkers. I’d go broke if I tried to eat it every day, lol. I try to go once a week, tho.

  4. I wish I could too, but I’ve heard warnings about eating too much fish as they can contain mercury and the more you eat the more likely you are to have it add up to an unsafe level.

  5. the ingredients dont cost much, really. it’s the time and talent that makes sushi so expensive.

    Learn to make it and you could eat it every day without breaking the bank at all.

  6. Here you go;



    Invest in a good Japanese rice cooker and good rice that’ll come out perfect. Buy some more ingredients and tools and your sushi rolls will literally cost you like $2/roll.

    Source: I make sushi at home.

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