How bad is the heat during the summer months?

Hello! I’m currently considering an exchange semester in Nagoya (from April to the end of July). Still, one thing that scares me is how many people are talking about the unbearable heat. In general, I’m not too great with hot temperatures, as I’m used to more mild climates (I’m from Europe). Where I live the humidity is around \~60% during the day in summer, and the temperatures vary from 24-30C, with 28-30 making it quite hard for me to stay outside as I get lightheaded and weak.

From what I’ve heard Nagoya is one of the hottest places in Japan during summer, but I’m curious whether the unbearable heat is mainly end of July and August, or it starts as early as June. Depending on this I would know whether I can push through July by only commuting to university and back & constantly being in places with AC, or it’s so unbearable that the whole 2 summer months would be miserable for me, and put a risk on my health even from spending minimal time outside, and using protective measures. Please don’t sugarcoat anything, and say your honest opinion! Thank you 🙂

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **How bad is the heat during the summer months?**

    Hello! I’m currently considering an exchange semester in Nagoya (from April to the end of July). Still, one thing that scares me is how many people are talking about the unbearable heat. In general, I’m not too great with hot temperatures, as I’m used to more mild climates (I’m from Europe). Where I live the humidity is around ~60% during the day in summer, and the temperatures vary from 24-30C, with 28-30 making it quite hard for me to stay outside as I get lightheaded and weak.

    From what I’ve heard Nagoya is one of the hottest places in Japan during summer, but I’m curious whether the unbearable heat is mainly end of July and August, or it starts as early as June. Depending on this I would know whether I can push through July by only commuting to university and back & constantly being in places with AC, or it’s so unbearable that the whole 2 summer months would be miserable for me, and put a risk on my health even from spending minimal time outside, and using protective measures. Please don’t sugarcoat anything, and say your honest opinion! Thank you 🙂

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  2. If you struggle with 28-30 at 60% humidity Japan is going to be hell for you. I’m from Mexico, where we are used to reaching 40+ temperatures in the summer, but we have ~60% humidity too. Coming to Japan has made me realize how important humidity is, temperatures are definitely lower here but the humidity being so high makes me sweat so much.

    You might wanna reconsider making that exchange program into a vacation in cooler months, heatstrokes are no joke.

  3. In addition to what’s been said, the summers have been getting and will continue to get hotter thanks to climate change.

  4. I just got back from three weeks in Tokyo and I…will be avoiding Japan during the summer months going forward. Soooo so hot.

  5. Coming from Melbourne Australia where temperatures in the low 40s but very low humidity, aren’t uncommon in Summer, I found Tokyo in July to be unbearable, it’s the combination of temperatures in the high 30s with high humidity that I couldn’t handle

  6. My wife and I live in Nagoya and this summer was so hot we avoided going outside all together most of the summer. The mid to upper 30s daily highs started somewhere in early June and continued until mid September. Absolutely brutal, the hottest summer I’ve ever experienced in my life.

    I’m not sure where in Europe I would compare this weather as I’m an American, but to me this summer is like New Orleans, LA weather: unbearably hot and humid.

  7. It’s fucking awful. I live in Tokyo not Nagoya but trust me man, it’s hell on earth, literally. Even from the morning, commuting at 7am, walking for 10 minutes you get covered in sweat. I literally can’t wait until October so that I can feel like a real person again when I go outside.

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